
What Is The Time Difference Between Egypt And England?


11 Answers

Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
If you live in Great Britain (England) then the time difference from Egypt would be +2 which means that Egypt is two hours ahead of England. For more information, please visit the following link:
Tomas Owen-Jones Profile
Egypt is in the egypt time zone which is GMT +2.00 hours, England's in the GMT time zone which is 0.00 and therefore there is a 2 hour time difference.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Plus two hours
d weston Profile
d weston answered
But when I went to Egypt in April, there was only a 1 hour time difference from home in London (they set THEIR clocks back/forward at different times of the year too!)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's a two hour difference,:

Time difference between egypt and London

The current time in egypt on 2010-05-07 21:41
The time in London on 2010-05-07 19:41  
please check
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
3 hours

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