
I Am Going Traveling To South Africa, Do I Need Any Injections?


8 Answers

mahendra kumar Profile
mahendra kumar answered
Yes depending on the number of days you intend to stay there you will need to take certain vaccination shots. The injections that are recommended are for protection against diseases like diphtheria, typhoid, tetanus, tuberculosis, rabies hepatitis A and B, yellow fever and Malaria.

Most of the above mentioned immunization measures need to be taken well in advance, ideally four to six weeks before leaving, as the vaccines take time to show their effect and also as most of them need to be taken in the form of courses. The best thing would be to talk with your physician or a Travel Medicine specialist and know the entire procedure.

Another important detail would be to ensure that one has health insurance along with travel insurance to deal with unforeseen calamities. South Africa has one of the highest numbers of cases of HIV related disorders and as such one needs to take precautions in that line.

Some basic precautionary measures would be to carry insect repellents, mosquito nets and wear long sleeved clothing if you intend to go on safaris. Also one needs to be careful about matters related to hygiene; it would be practical to carry a first aid kit comprising the usual bandages and disinfectant. Do not forget to carry basic medicines like for stomach disorders, painkillers and antibiotics. Another piece of useful information though not directly related would be to know that the crime rate in urban areas in South Africa is one of the highest in the World and muggings are commonplace.
Craig Patterson Profile
Craig Patterson answered
It depends upon where abouts you are intending to go. The Eastern and Western Cape regions, that include Cape Town the winelands knysna etc are malaria free areas but if you are heading to the north east, towrds the KwaZulu-Natal area and the border with Mozambique then you should consider anti-malarial medication.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need injection for go to south africa. I don't know address in india
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am traveling to south africa for 3 weeks what vaccinations will I need and when do I need them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Rubbish! I live in south africa I'm !8 and never got a shot for any of these diseases. I'm still going strong. Not s.a maybe upper s.a where its more 3rd world. South africa is world class baby!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am going to south africa do I need any injection?  I am going to Jo burg, Cape Town  and Kruger National Park..  I will be away  20 days

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