What is the cheapest way to book a trip to vegas?


2 Answers

Sara Lewis Profile
Sara Lewis answered

Despite it's reputation for glamour and excess, going to Vegas actually costs a lot less than you'd think.

You have a couple of options when thinking about booking a trip. You can either go through a travel agent who will generally offer you a package deal. This will include flights, accommodation, transfers to and from your hotel, and sometimes even day excursions if you're wanting to explore the surrounding areas in Nevada.

The benefit of this is that it makes everything so easy, and all you need to worry about is your spending money (and not blowing it all in the Casinos!).  But if you're looking for cheap options, it may be more cost effective to organise things yourself.

How to plan a cheap trip to Vegas

I'm not sure where you're coming from, but if it's not too far you could drive instead of fly. If there is a group of you and you split the bill for gas, it could cost very little.

You can also get some great deals on hotel rooms, too. The choice can be a little overwhelming, but with all of the crazy attractions in the hotel lobbies (like a small scale replica of Venice in The Venetian- complete with canals!) it can pay to do your own research and get exactly the kind of experience you want.

I always use Trip Advisor for awesome deals on hotels. Plus it's good to read people's reviews to find out with the hotel is really like.

My final tip is to pick the right time. If you're planning to stay for only a few days, then you can save a lot of money by avoiding Friday and Saturday nights.

Vegas is a 24-hour party, so Wednesday night is still pretty rocking, and if you manage to avoid the peak days, then everything from hotels to bar tabs become a lot cheaper. 

Have a great trip!

coral M. Profile
coral M. answered

Also you can book a cruise that goes to Vegas, the last week before the cruise leaves and usually all you pay is 100$$ you will get a cruise and VEGAS!!!

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