Would you rather have a cabin by the sea or in the mountains?


14 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I'd like a log cabin in the mountains with a fire pit and log benches. Come on over Blurtit friends! We havin a party by the fireside in the chilled mountain air!

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

Always the SEEEEEAAAAAA!!!!

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I spent a week on the beach two weeks ago, and last week I was up in the mountains. I like them both and I have been thinking the snow bird thing doesn't sound so bad. With that said my first love is the beach.

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered


Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I never knew there could be a cabin by the sea! I have never been to either so as long as it has a flushing toilet with a door...... I wanna try them both! :0)

Ivan Kostadinov Profile
Ivan Kostadinov answered

By the sea of course... It could be quite dangerous in the mountains, I have watched all those scary movies where a gang of college teens visits some cabin in the woods and never returns. It just ruined the experience for me, with all the zombies and what-not.

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