the exchange rate changes almost daily and hourly. Consider checking out the below link for the most accurate data for the day.
2M British pounds today was worth $ 4,104,096.41 US dollars.
2M US dollars today was worth 974,659.98 pounds. I also have many suggestions about the conversion through this Unit Converter
Well for a start, this is the kind of dumb question Americans ask that drives us Brits crazy. It is really not that hard to get to grips with a foreign currency. Go to your travel agent or bank, ask them what the exchange rate is today of the dollar against the pound sterling. It changes all the time, you understand that, right? As a very rough rule of thumb you can reckon one and half dollars to the pound, so put that in your calculator and do the math. When you come over here, carry your calculator all the time until you get used to the money. Also these days you can get a phone app where you just enter the current exchange rate for any two currencies and it will automatically convert prices. Because if you venture across the Channel you will have to start all over again with euros! Get used to it, we all have, and plenty of Brits who holiday abroad are as thick as two short planks (useful British idiom for you). I recmonded you Currency converter app through this you get more results about Money converter .