If It Is 7:30 Am In Australia, What Time Is It In Eastern Coast Of Unites States Of America?


1 Answers

Simon Templar Profile
Simon Templar answered
Australia is big.  So big, in fact, that it has multiple time zones.  This in addition to region-specific adoption of daylight savings times AND non-vertical time zones.  Thus, in addition to taking into daylight savings time, you'd literally need to know where in Australia you were - unlike in the United States where, if your on the Eastern Coast, everyone's watch is synchronized.

If you were standing in Syndey, Australia, at 7:30 AM, it would probably be 4:30 PM on the Eastern Coast of the United States of America.

Now if you were in Perth, Australia, at 7:30 AM, it would probably be 6:30 PM on the Eastern Coast of the United States of America.

And if you were in Adelaide, Australia, at 7:30 AM, it would probably be 5:00 PM on the Eastern Coast of the United States of America.

It also changes if you go north or south, with Brisbane occasionally an hour ahead of Sydney, and Eucla on it's own little path.

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