The flight times from London to Australia are only average times, since the flight times can vary. This can depend on the route and any stop overs which are made, either for refuelling or just to break the journey. Flight times to Brisbane average at 23 hours, to Adelaide 24.5 hours, Cairns, 25 hours, Darwin 21.5 hours, Perth 22 hours and Sydney 23.5 hours: so all flights are certainly long haul! Moreover, there may be an additional flight onto the final destination, so the total journey could take thirty hours or longer.
Given the length of the flights many people prefer to fly to Singapore and then on to Australia. The journey from Singapore to Sidney is 8 hours and to Perth is five hours.
To do the journey in one long flight requires at least one stop off point for refuelling and many people do find the journey quite gruelling, since it is in effect a full day's travelling coupled with crossing time zones.
Given the length of the flights many people prefer to fly to Singapore and then on to Australia. The journey from Singapore to Sidney is 8 hours and to Perth is five hours.
To do the journey in one long flight requires at least one stop off point for refuelling and many people do find the journey quite gruelling, since it is in effect a full day's travelling coupled with crossing time zones.