It is 829 miles from Raleigh, NC to St Louis, MO, or 1,344 km. This is the distance for a driving route; if you want the distance as the crow flies it is only 679 miles, or 1,092.51 km. The time it would take you to drive this distance would, obviously, very much depend on how fast you were driving. If you maintained an average speed of 50 mph it would take you 13.6 hours; if you maintained 60 mph you could make the journey in 11.3 hours; and if you managed a steady 70 mph for the entire journey you would do it in 9.7 hours. None of these times makes any account for stopping for comfort breaks; these would add to the overall journey time.
To drive from Raleigh, NC to St. Louis, MO you need to cross the Appalachians, though you will find that the Interstate highways have been designed and built to limit the steepness and curves that you may think are part and parcel of driving across mountains. If you are a nervous driver, this is certainly helpful.
You probably won’t find enough traffic on this route that will cause any particular congestion, apart for the beginning in North Carolina. To get to St. Louis, you need to head west on I-40 to Winston-Salem, where you will change to US-52 to where it joins I-77 just to the west of Mount Airy. If you enjoy scenery you will be thrilled with this highway up to the West Virginia Turnpike and Charleston.
When you get to Charleston, change to the I-64 all the way to St Louis. Ideally, and so you have a safe journey, you should take two days to get there.
To drive from Raleigh, NC to St. Louis, MO you need to cross the Appalachians, though you will find that the Interstate highways have been designed and built to limit the steepness and curves that you may think are part and parcel of driving across mountains. If you are a nervous driver, this is certainly helpful.
You probably won’t find enough traffic on this route that will cause any particular congestion, apart for the beginning in North Carolina. To get to St. Louis, you need to head west on I-40 to Winston-Salem, where you will change to US-52 to where it joins I-77 just to the west of Mount Airy. If you enjoy scenery you will be thrilled with this highway up to the West Virginia Turnpike and Charleston.
When you get to Charleston, change to the I-64 all the way to St Louis. Ideally, and so you have a safe journey, you should take two days to get there.