
How Many Miles From St Louis Mo To Gulf Shores Al?


2 Answers

Shane Richardson Profile
It is around 730 miles from St Louis, Mo to Gulf Shores, Al.

A great way of finding the distances between places and even getting directions for the journey is by using Google Maps. You will find that it is completely free to use and relatively straightforward. It will give you the distance in miles and also tell you roughly how long the journey would take in the car, bike or walking.

To use Google maps to find the distances simply follows these steps:

• Head to • Click on 'Get Directions' located on the top right corner of the page
• In 'Box A' type in the name of the place you are starting from
• In 'Box B' type in the location you wish to finish at
• Click 'Get Directions'
• You can then click on the car, man, and bike symbols to see the various distance times for each form of transport.

You can also use 'street view' on the Google Maps system which allows you to view photographs of the actual location that can be a great help. You simply click on the little man symbol and select 'street view'.

Another great way of finding the distances between locations is to use a GPS or satellite navigation system. Most sat-navs have a battery and so can also be used out of the car. Therefore you can simply bring the device into your house and type in the two locations to find out the distance and expected travel time.

You should also be able to find apps on phones such as the iPhone and other smartphones to help find the distances. There is a Google maps app already installed on most iPhones.

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