
Who Are The Indigenous Tribes To The Caribbean?


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There are mainly eight tribes that are indigenous to the Caribbean. They are: the Arawak, the Carib, the Ciboney, the Galibi, the Garifuna, the Igneri, the Lucayan and the Taino. The Arawak are the first natives of the Caribbean islands encountered by Christopher Columbus and the Spanish explorers when they arrived on the islands. They are Amerindians and include such tribes as the Taino, the Lucayan, the Bimini, the Nepoya, the Suppoyo, the Igneri and the Lokono.

The Caribs are also an Amerindian tribe. Words such as hurricane, hammock, iguana and barbeque, which are now commonly used in the English language, are originally derived from the Carib language.

Galibi is a sub-class of both the Arawak and the Carib tribes. The word Ciboney is also spelt as Siboney. They were originally hunters and gatherers by profession. The Garifuna tribe is a mixture of people of Amerindian and African descent. The Igneri were a part of the Arawak tribe, the Lucayans are a practically non-existent group of Arawak people and the Taino are related to the Arawak. Most tribes in the Caribbean are basically sub-groups of the Arawak tribe.

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