If you are talking about the distance longitude lines are from each other and the distance latitude lines are from each other, as I would suppose you are, it depends.
When it comes to lines of longitude, they are shaped like orange slices and meet at the poles. At the equator the earth is 24,901.92 miles around. Divide that by 360 degrees and we get 69.172 miles per degree so the distance, at the equator from 0o to 1o longitude is about 69.2 miles. At the poles longitude has no meaning,
Lines of latitude are equally spaced parallel to the equator and approximately also 69.2 miles apart.
When it comes to lines of longitude, they are shaped like orange slices and meet at the poles. At the equator the earth is 24,901.92 miles around. Divide that by 360 degrees and we get 69.172 miles per degree so the distance, at the equator from 0o to 1o longitude is about 69.2 miles. At the poles longitude has no meaning,
Lines of latitude are equally spaced parallel to the equator and approximately also 69.2 miles apart.