How Can I Report An Illegal Immigrant With Out Not Knowing His/her Last Name?(person Has An Expired Visa. I Already Know The Address She Lives And Her First Name) Thank You...
Call ICE...I don't have the number but they're all over the internet so very easy to find. The best reason for reporting this person or anybody that is in this country illegally is simply because they are here ILLEGALLY and therefore breaking and disrespecting this countrys laws...duh.
Zafer I think you're doing EXACTLY the right thing by trying to find out how to get this person out the country. Whether or not this is motivated by revenge or anger is irrelevant as this person is breaking the law and putting a strain on the country, whether it is by sponging benefits or working illegally and taking a job that an unemployed resident could fill. Too many liberal minded people are causing the decline of this country, these laws are put into place to protect YOUR country and YOUR livelihood and anyone that brings some skills or abilities that are beneficial to the country is more than welcome to legally apply for a visa but to say they are leave them be as they are only chasing a better life is ridiculous. Why should all the hard working law abiding tax paying citizens have to foot the bill year in year out for these illegal immigrants that drain our economy?? Get your head out the sand guys.
Is this person causing you any personal harm or grief? If not, why go out of your way to inhibit them, when they are just trying to find a better life for themselves?
F.... Off we are full I say, report all the bad people you can, I do it every day. They pay no tax and cost us jobs and should be kicked out for good.....
Look.. I'm in a tight bond myself... My father has a girlfriend and has been divorced from my mom for a year.. My fathers new girl friend doesnt have legal status. I don't like her for the simple fact that because she now lives with my father, I cannot see my 12 year old sister.. That lady has kept me away from that house for a whole year.. So you tell me.. Should I report her to the ins?
How do you stop people inside our system who process or do illegal works for illegal immigrant? They make money to fix somebody to have social security number, driver's license, then get employed legally or illegally, then after that a green card and then citizenship. Someone has to stop the inside people who makes $$$$ to do this paper works for the illegal immigrant.
My dad helped out a friend who is illegal by getting him a job at the same place he works at! And ever since that guy has been in there my dad has had problems, this guy has been deported like 3 times and just keeps on coming back, the last time he was sent back to mexico he was told if he was caught here again he would go to jail for 5 years. He is also very good at making fake insurance cards, and green cards and things like that. Now that he is working with my dad he is constantly telling the managers and bosses that he can do a better job than my dad for less money, he is constantly going around checking on all my dad does wrong to go and make reports about it in the office. We are all afraid he is eventually going to get my dad fired... Should I get this person deported????? Need help!
I hope you don't do that I'm a american and I respect to other people even if they,re not legal in my country,they are human being like you ,however , they help to our country economy ,are you blind!!!! You don't see that!!!! Or are you be able to work for 50cents per hour like they do.they deserve being treated with respect.
Why Australian Gov. Didn't tell the public how to help Gov. To report the illegal workers? Maybe the austrlia gov. Doesn't want to do something for the local right. The number of illegal workers has been increased why the australian gov. Didn't notice this issue which has become seriously.
Why do you have to report her,is she not a human being ? Does she not have a blood just as like you do ? We are all one people but just that some continent like Africa are so unlucky to go through all these difficulties,now the world doesnt even want us. God help Africa
Fridakder if you take them to court their personal circumstances will be aired during the proceedings and then in effect you are reporting them to the authorities anyway for being an illegal immigrant, so yeah by all means take them to court! Why should they not be deported? Arent rules put in place to protect the majority? If you think its OK for them to be here illegally and break our laws then will you be happy when they don't respect our other laws? I came here as an immigrant from the UK and followed all the correct proceedings to be allowed to stay here LEGALLY to make a better life for myself and my family why should these people be any different?
I know there are about 10-12 illegal worker from Fu-Kang province of china and they are working in a warehouse of Mickville sydney. Those people work full time but get cash and they used to live together in order to protect their identifity. Those were found by a lady in this warehouse and this lady can get commission from those illegal worked $ A per hour/per day. It is unfair the illegal workr take over the right from legal worker in australia and the Au gov. Didn't do nothing. I have nothing to said because I know there are many local people who are looking for job all the time.
I agree w/ freethink. You should leave this person alone. Take them to court if you need to but don't have them deported! Have some respect for your fellow humans!
First of all, you rented your house to an illegal immigrant. Why didn't you check their status before letting them in your house? Now you are pissed, and want to deport them? Treat them as if they were Americans and do it the American way "TAKE THEM TO COURT". It is not your job to deport people, let immigrations handle that. Why you think the government of the UNITED STATES of American wont deport them once and for all? Do ALL OF YOU WHO ANSWER THIS QUESTION truly believe that YOUR GOVERNMENT can't deport ALL of them if they really wanted to? Come on people, be smarter than this. Americans but very ignorant based on the answers I read here. We all know where they concentrate (Los Angeles, New York, Texas). Right? The government KNOWS AS WELL!!!! And they don't do anything to deport them! G...I wonder why? Oh I know why, the government has no clue about where they are! Thats it! Ugh....Dumb people.
I certainly think that you should have them deported...just for the face that they're ILLEGAL....Many ILLEGAL immigrants come into the U.S and has more benefits than us Americans..They get FREE medicare..Us Americans who are struggling to make ends meet in this recession that we're in have to take money out of our pockets for HEALTH INSURANCE(I personally pay $700/month for a family of four)they on the other hand get FREE wic programs.... All of us are human beings,but if WE as CITIZENS don't help our government IMPLEMENT the laws then who is going to help????The ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS...Everyone wants to come to all means.JUST DO IT THE "LEGAL" way where our government doesn't have to take out $300 dollars every week out of our salaries just for freaking taxes....To anyone out there who is illegal and are paying taxes...Thanks...for those who are not...shame on you...
Its funny how you all think this is all illegal when most of your presidents are basically putting tax dollars into killing people yeah...Go AMERIHKA ...not don't fool yourselves all so ignorant...
Look as long as a illegal immigrant isn't affecting your life why report them!? I'm reporting an illegal immigrant because he took my 17 yr old friend from her house a day before her 18th bday, telling her that he loves her and brain washing her and now he beats her and locks the doors from the outside so she wont leave, does not let her have any type of communication with her family and we all know he just wants to marry her or get her prego so he can get his papers!!
Do you guys know that your great gran fathers went to Africa to steal destroy their culture, and use the African men and women, children to build the Europe and America you're now proud off today? But then they were illegal, robbers,killers, rappers and those countries untill now never persecute them for their deeds, so why do it pain you to see an illegal immigrant in your country trying to recover from the sins of your grand parents deeds in her country?