Pakistan is ahead of England by four hours.
You can calculate the time difference between countries online with a time zone converter. It is important to understand that there are 24 time zones on earth. Each zone is known as the Local Time Zone for that area which is in relation to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
To use the online time zone converter, the first thing you need to do is open the internet on your computer and search in Google, Yahoo or any search engine for a time zone converter. Once you have found a relevant converter, you will be asked to select the date and time from a drop down menu. It is important to keep in mind that the date and time you have selected may not calculate correctly because not all locations on the planet observe day light savings time (DST). This is relevant because if they do not observe DST then the day will not end on the same date you have selected.
After you have chosen the date and time from the drop down menu, you should select the first country from the relevant menu. Some countries have various time zones so you should pick the right city that you want to find the correct time difference. Once you've done that, you can select the second country you want to use following the same criteria. All you have to do after that is click on the 'convert time' button displayed and the page will open up with the number of hours each country is currently in and the time difference between the two countries you selected.
You can calculate the time difference between countries online with a time zone converter. It is important to understand that there are 24 time zones on earth. Each zone is known as the Local Time Zone for that area which is in relation to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
To use the online time zone converter, the first thing you need to do is open the internet on your computer and search in Google, Yahoo or any search engine for a time zone converter. Once you have found a relevant converter, you will be asked to select the date and time from a drop down menu. It is important to keep in mind that the date and time you have selected may not calculate correctly because not all locations on the planet observe day light savings time (DST). This is relevant because if they do not observe DST then the day will not end on the same date you have selected.
After you have chosen the date and time from the drop down menu, you should select the first country from the relevant menu. Some countries have various time zones so you should pick the right city that you want to find the correct time difference. Once you've done that, you can select the second country you want to use following the same criteria. All you have to do after that is click on the 'convert time' button displayed and the page will open up with the number of hours each country is currently in and the time difference between the two countries you selected.