The driving distance from San Diego, CA to Cancun, Mexico is 3,018 miles or 4,857 km. The driving time depends on what vehicle you are actually driving. Is it a sports car, or a vintage car or a bus? If we consider a car, it will take approximately 2 days and 5 hours.
The cost of driving from San Diego, CA to Cancun, Mexico would be approximately $485.16 one way and $970.31 for a round trip. The costs may increase depending on a variety of factors such as:
If you want to avoid driving, there are many cheap flights available. You should book at least a month in advance to get the best deals. If you are sure that you will be taking the flight you can go for a non-refundable ticket which is cheaper than a refundable one.
However, if you have decided to drive, fuel will cost you around $4.02 per gallon, if the vehicle averages 25 mpg. In international units, the equivalent petrol price is 106.2 cents per liter. Do take care to take a first aid safety kit, spare tyre and tool kit of your car. It will prove to be handy for a long journey like this.
The cost of driving from San Diego, CA to Cancun, Mexico would be approximately $485.16 one way and $970.31 for a round trip. The costs may increase depending on a variety of factors such as:
- A mechanical problem with your car
- If you have an accident
- Traffic
- Bad weather like heavy snowfall and rain, sandstorm, etc.
- One must also be aware of highway robberies while driving and be careful about it.
If you want to avoid driving, there are many cheap flights available. You should book at least a month in advance to get the best deals. If you are sure that you will be taking the flight you can go for a non-refundable ticket which is cheaper than a refundable one.
However, if you have decided to drive, fuel will cost you around $4.02 per gallon, if the vehicle averages 25 mpg. In international units, the equivalent petrol price is 106.2 cents per liter. Do take care to take a first aid safety kit, spare tyre and tool kit of your car. It will prove to be handy for a long journey like this.