The distance between America and Japan is about 8821 kilometres or 5481 miles. If one considers a distance between Los Angeles city (America) and Tokyo city (Japan)
The distance between America and Japan may vary depending upon the source point and target point to calculate the distance. The distance may also vary depending upon the location of airports in America and Japan.
Japan is a country located in the Asian continent. It is an island country, consisting of four islands such as Honshu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaido. The Sea of Japan separates Japan from the mainland of Asia. America mainly consists of North America, South America and Central America. The United States of America consists of 48 states which include Kansas, Iowa, New York, Mississippi, Hawaii, Florida, Alaska Wyoming, Ohio, Colarado and many other states.
If you would like to get more information and if you want to view the direction maps of US, UK, Australia and Africa, you can visit the following link and search the distance between any two locations on the earth by entering their names:
The distance between America and Japan may vary depending upon the source point and target point to calculate the distance. The distance may also vary depending upon the location of airports in America and Japan.
Japan is a country located in the Asian continent. It is an island country, consisting of four islands such as Honshu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaido. The Sea of Japan separates Japan from the mainland of Asia. America mainly consists of North America, South America and Central America. The United States of America consists of 48 states which include Kansas, Iowa, New York, Mississippi, Hawaii, Florida, Alaska Wyoming, Ohio, Colarado and many other states.
If you would like to get more information and if you want to view the direction maps of US, UK, Australia and Africa, you can visit the following link and search the distance between any two locations on the earth by entering their names: