
How Many Hours Travel From Philippines To Qatar?


1 Answers

El Lly Profile
El Lly answered

In response to your question regarding how many hours it would take to travel from Philippines to Qatar, it would depend on what part of the Philippines you're flying from, and to which part of Qatar.

Below, I've mentioned the two most common routes:

  • From Manila (capital) to Doha (capital) it is approximately 9 hours and 20 minutes flight time. This is if you get a direct flight.

If your flight has a lay over, it could add any number of travel hours, since it all depends on how many hours you might be stopping along the way.

  • A lot of airlines may take the route of Manila to Dubai, Dubai to Doha.

Manila to Dubai is approximately 8 hours direct, and Dubai to Doha is  approximately 1 hour. (Alternatively, you can travel from Dubai to Doha by road which takes approximately 6 hours and 22 minutes.)

Once again, this calculates to a flight time of approximately 9 hours from Manila to Doha.

I hope this helps, good luck and remember that the sooner you book your tickets, the better the deals are!

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