
Which Country Is Known As The Switzerland Of Latin America?


6 Answers

Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
The Republic of Uruguay is known as the Switzerland of Latin America; it is a country similar in size to Switzerland and is well known for the social benefits that the citizens of the country enjoy. Uruguay became independent from Portuguese rule in 1825 and since then has a long history of democratically elected governments which was briefly interrupted in the mid of the twentieth century when the military ruled the country.

Uruguay is primarily an agricultural country and most of the exports are from the agricultural sector though in recent times the country has modernized rapidly and now development of software and its export is one of the major industries of the country. The country has a tradition of governments with an emphasis on creating a welfare based society.

Uruguay was one of the first countries to introduce a minimum wage scale for workers in the agriculture sector and an eight hour work day. The country also has a high level of literacy, 98% of the population is literate. Also practices like slavery have never existed in Uruguay; the country was one of the first to introduce universal voting rights.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm from Venezuela and here we've always come to know as a rumor that Costa Rica is the Switzerland of Latin America (in fact it's already a phrase here!) it's because of its weapon free law enforcements. Costa Rica maintains small forces capable of law enforcement and foreign peacekeeping, but has NO permanent standing army and it also is known to be a neutral country when there are conflicts in the region. I've heard about Uruguay as a tax haven and that for example many argentines have accounts there (for that I guess it's like Switzerland; for their banks) but, Panama? No way! First of all Switzerland is not tax free, on the contrary they actually pay high taxes! Second, "Panama is also known as the Switzerland of Latin America thanks to the canal of Panama", is not a reason at all. Third of all, has anyone seen the documentary: One Dollar (in spanish: El precio de la vida)???  It's specifically about the gangland life, the poverty, grit and anger of the youth in Panama. It's called one dollar, because one dollar  can get you a heavy firearm, or cocaine. I strongly recommend it, and am personally on my own quest to get a copy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Uruguay is Known as the Switzerland of "South America". As America, the continent, been divided into three continents (South, Central and North) its only natural that there is a Switzerland like country in each distinctive sub-continent with the exception of the North.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know for a fact that the country call the Switzerland of Latin America is Costa Rica, I know that even on national patriotic song it mention it. I know because I have some swiss friends that told me so.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Panama is also known as the Switzerland of Latin America thanks to the canal of Panama, strong banking structure and tax free zone (2nd largest in the world after Hong Kong)

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