
What's The Time Difference With EDT And CST?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Eastern time is one hour ahead of central time
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 hour.  It is now 1:06 AM central daylight time.  It is one hour later, 2:06 AM eastern daylight time.  Mountain time is one hour earlier than Central, or 12.06 AM, and Pacific time is yet another hour earlier or 11:06 PM.
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
Central Standard time is one hour earlier than E.S.t. But when we go on E.D.T. We go forward one hour, so the difference would be 2 hours.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I always get that confused! Especially that Daylight Savings Time business...spring forward/fall seems so simple, yet ever year I struggle!
John Nawrocki
John Nawrocki commented
Only if CST had not become CDT. Prior to 4/2/2006 parts of Indiana did not go on CDT. After that date the entire central zone began, I believe, to practice daylight savings time.
Only Arizona, Hawaii do not now practice daylight savings time. In the US there cannot be a two hour time difference between eastern time and central time.
james caison Profile
james caison answered
There is one [1] hour difference between the two zones.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 hr difference
Alex Moore Profile
Alex Moore answered

EDT stands for Eastern Daylight Time. CST is known as Central Standard Time(now Central Daylight Time CDT). CST is 1 hour behind EDT.

So, when it is EDT at 10 a.m., it will be CST at 9 a.m.

Download a world clock app, so you don't have to convert between time zones over and over again.

John Nawrocki Profile
John Nawrocki answered
Isn't EDT Eastern daylight time and CST Central Standard Time?
In the central time zone it is one hour earlier than in the eastern time zone. Normally both zones are either on standard time or daylight savings time.
thanked the writer.
John Nawrocki
John Nawrocki commented
May be average but I do not believe there is a time in the US when the central time zone and the eastern time zone are two hours apart.

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