
What Is The Distance Between Atlanta, Georgia And Washington, DC?


9 Answers

Amalia Syeda-Aguirre Profile
The distance between Atlanta, Georgia and Washington, DC depends on the mode of travel used. The flight distance between the two cities is 542 miles, or 872 kilometers. If driving was the chosen mode of transport then the distance is increased to 640 miles or 1,030 kilometers.

The shortest time it takes to travel between the two cities is 1 hour and 35 minutes; this is when flying direct from Atlanta, Georgia to Washington, DC or vice versa. When driving, the time taken is approximately 10 hours.

Atlanta is the most populated city in the state of Georgia with a total population of 420,000. It is also the capital city of the state and the metropolitan area is the ninth most populated in the United States. The area surrounding Atlanta has seen increased growth in the past 10 years with the population of the metropolitan area expanded by over 1.6 million. This is mainly because the city is known as a business city and houses the headquarters of a number of the biggest corporations in the world, including Coca-Cola, AT&T, and UPS. The city's airport, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International, is the world busiest airport, with more passengers passing through on a daily basis than any other in the world.

Washington DC is the capital of the United States, and has a population of over 600,000 residents. Because of the number of people who commute to the city during the week for work the population can swell to over a million. The city was founded on July 16, 1970 and is not part of any US state because of this the federal government oversees the district. Washington, DC is bordered by the states of Virginia and Maryland and the metropolitan area, of which the district is part of, is the seventh-largest metropolitan area in the United States, with a total population of 5.6 million people.
Julii Brainard Profile
Julii Brainard answered
I think this is yet another instance where Google maps isn't making much sense. I've got 667 miles / 1073 km, in a straight line from Google Earth, but from Google maps,

Driving distance is 638 miles. Since the driving distance can't be less than the straightline, we know there's an error. is saying 638 miles, too. So I would guess that's the right distance.

Yahoo is also saying 10 hours on the road to cover it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
10.5 hours, 1100km depending on where you go in Atlanta and where you leave from Washington
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Flying time?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I will be staying in georgia and want to go to washington dc ? Is it by train or by fly
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Travel distance to washington from atlanta
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I will be staying in georgia and want to go to washington dc ? Is it by train or by fly
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I will be staying in georgia and want to go to washington dc ? Is it by train or by fly

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