It takes approximately three hours and 15 minutes to drive this journey. The distance between Myrtle Beach, SC to Gilbert, SC is 171.4 miles (274.2 km). If you want to calculate any other distances or how long it will take to complete a journey, then have a look at this site:
There are many different water sports that you can participate in, or if you feel like keeping your feet dry, a visit to the local championship golf course might take your fancy.
There are some great live shows and theaters, as well as traditional bars to liven the nights up, and you will find that Myrtle Beach is also the home to many award winning festivals such as the Sun Fun Festival and the Grand Strand Fishing Rodeo.
For more than 50 years, Gilbert has hosted the Lexington County Peach Festival, which takes place on July 4, American Independence Day and is at the peak of the peach season in South Carolina. This festival includes a Peach Parade and a Peach Pageant, and culminates in a spectacular firework display.
This is a useful part of planning any trip because the last thing that you want is for it to be spoiled by something that could easily have been avoided.
- Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
There are many different water sports that you can participate in, or if you feel like keeping your feet dry, a visit to the local championship golf course might take your fancy.
There are some great live shows and theaters, as well as traditional bars to liven the nights up, and you will find that Myrtle Beach is also the home to many award winning festivals such as the Sun Fun Festival and the Grand Strand Fishing Rodeo.
- Gilbert, South Carolina
For more than 50 years, Gilbert has hosted the Lexington County Peach Festival, which takes place on July 4, American Independence Day and is at the peak of the peach season in South Carolina. This festival includes a Peach Parade and a Peach Pageant, and culminates in a spectacular firework display.
- Trip Advisor
This is a useful part of planning any trip because the last thing that you want is for it to be spoiled by something that could easily have been avoided.