I guess you are trying to ask the road distance between Toronto, Ontario, Canada and New York City, New York, United States of America. The road distance between the two cities is 326 miles or 525 kilometres. This distance has been calculated on the basis of "as the crow files" and to calculate the distance, the latitude and longitude of the cities has been calculated. When you are actually driving on the road, the distance may vary.
Canada lies in the North of the USA and you might need some special visa and permission to enter another country or province. So while driving take care that you carry your car registration papers. Also, inquire in advance if there is a Visa required for you to enter the United States and what is the procedure. Sometimes visas are given at entry points to the country but there is a possibility that you will be required to arrange for it in advance. So, you should make sure you get all this information before you begin your journey.
Canada lies in the North of the USA and you might need some special visa and permission to enter another country or province. So while driving take care that you carry your car registration papers. Also, inquire in advance if there is a Visa required for you to enter the United States and what is the procedure. Sometimes visas are given at entry points to the country but there is a possibility that you will be required to arrange for it in advance. So, you should make sure you get all this information before you begin your journey.