
How Many Sq Miles Is Jacksonville Florida?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Jacksonville is  874.3 square miles (2264 km2), making Jacksonville the largest city ...
Muddassar Memon Profile
Muddassar Memon answered
Jacksonville is well known city located in the state of Florida, and is said to be the thirteenth most populated city in America. Jacksonville is the county seat of Duval County; it is positioned towards the First Coast district of north east Florida, approximately 25 miles south of Georgia limit.

According to census reports the total area of this region was estimated to be 885 square miles. The total population of this region as of the year 2006 was said to be 834,789, having an average population density of 1,143.7 per square mile.

The city is placed towards the shore of St. Johns River, which runs north and ends at the Atlantic Ocean approximately 20 miles of downtown. This city was initially known as Cowford and was established in the year 1791.

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