The distance between the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, Nigeria ABV and Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi, India is 4727 Miles and 7563 Kilometers. The flying time from Nigeria to India varies according to the type of jet you are flying on, it takes 8 hours and 19 minutes by Boeing 747 and Airbus A340, 8 hours and 54 minutes by Business jet, 33 hours and 10 minutes by Cessna SkyHawk and 36 hours 32 minutes by Bell 206L-4. You can easily find out the flying distance between any two cities or countries in the world, by using the following website:
All you have to do is type in the airport codes(which you can search through the same website) for the departure and arrival locations and it will give you the distance as well as the duration of the flight between them. Enjoy!:)
All you have to do is type in the airport codes(which you can search through the same website) for the departure and arrival locations and it will give you the distance as well as the duration of the flight between them. Enjoy!:)