The distance between Miami International Airport (Miami, Florida 33126, United States )and Fort Lauderdale Airport (Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315, United States) is approximately twenty seven point seven miles, which is just under forty four kilometres, assuming that you were to follow the quickest route by road between the two of them. Driving in a car it would take you approximately thirty eight minutes to travel from one airport to the other, depending on traffic, or over two hours if you were to travel by assorted forms of public transport. Leaving Miami Airport you should head south, take the North West twenty first street, you then need to get onto the Fl-112 E for the majority of your journey. More detailed instruction for the trip between the two airports can be acquired from Google Maps, , which also provides a list of alternative routes depending on your means of transport.
Miami International Airport (MIA) to Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport (FLL) is a distance of approximately 27 miles. By road this journey should take around 34 minutes or so depending on traffic flows and time of day etc. Driving directions for this journey are available online at
The full address of Miami International Airport is 1640 Nw 42nd Ave, Miami, FL 33126. The telephone number is 305-887-6000.
The full address for Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport is Highway 1, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315. The telephone number is 954-359-1200.
The full address of Miami International Airport is 1640 Nw 42nd Ave, Miami, FL 33126. The telephone number is 305-887-6000.
The full address for Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport is Highway 1, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315. The telephone number is 954-359-1200.
Distance between fort lauderdale cruise terminal to miami cruise terminal?
I am flying in for a wedding my sister told me to fly in to fort lauder but the wedding is s miami ?
27 miles
What is the distance from Miami Airport to Hollywood, Fla>?
35 min
10 miles
50 miles
20 Miles