Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to Toronto, Ontario, Canada is 3528 kilometres (2193 miles) by road, which if you were to drive would take 36 hours behind the wheel plus rest and fuel stops along the way.
In as straight line "as the crow flies" direction the distance is 2712 kilometres or 1685 miles.
Edmonton's map co-ordinates are 53:30:00N 113:30:00W and Toronto's 43:40:12N 79:22:12W.
If you are contemplating driving this journey there are driving directions available at Mapquest.com. Click the Revise links and enter the addresses of your starting and finishing points to update the mileage and timing, and to obtain door-to-door driving directions as well.
There are also links to maps for each section of the journey, and it is also possible to add in up to ten other destinations along the way and to fine tune the directions for the shortest time or shortest distance. You can also reverse the route and elect to avoid toll roads, seasonally closed roads and avoid highways.
In as straight line "as the crow flies" direction the distance is 2712 kilometres or 1685 miles.
Edmonton's map co-ordinates are 53:30:00N 113:30:00W and Toronto's 43:40:12N 79:22:12W.
If you are contemplating driving this journey there are driving directions available at Mapquest.com. Click the Revise links and enter the addresses of your starting and finishing points to update the mileage and timing, and to obtain door-to-door driving directions as well.
There are also links to maps for each section of the journey, and it is also possible to add in up to ten other destinations along the way and to fine tune the directions for the shortest time or shortest distance. You can also reverse the route and elect to avoid toll roads, seasonally closed roads and avoid highways.