Arlington, Texas to Galveston, Texas is approximately 307 miles by road or 273 miles (440 km) as the crow flies. Travelling by car, this trip would take about five hours assuming favorable conditions and sticking to major highways. But you would need to factor in some additional time for fuel and rest stops along the way too.
You can get driving directions for this journey at Click the Revise links and enter the exact addresses of your starting and finishing points to update the mileage and timing, and to obtain door-to-door driving directions as well.
There are also links to maps for each section of the journey, and it is also possible to add in up to ten other destinations along the way and to fine tune the directions for the shortest time or shortest distance. You can also reverse the route and elect to avoid toll roads, seasonally closed roads and avoid highways.
You can get driving directions for this journey at Click the Revise links and enter the exact addresses of your starting and finishing points to update the mileage and timing, and to obtain door-to-door driving directions as well.
There are also links to maps for each section of the journey, and it is also possible to add in up to ten other destinations along the way and to fine tune the directions for the shortest time or shortest distance. You can also reverse the route and elect to avoid toll roads, seasonally closed roads and avoid highways.