4 miles
It takes about 10 minutes from London waterloo to Covent Garden via bus. Thus you get a rough idea about walking time as per your speed. The walk right up to Covent Garden from waterloo is complete with panoramic views offered over the city as well as interesting back streets.
There is no train station located in Covent Garden, just one tube station. Charing Cross would be the closest train station. The main stations for London would be, for Waterloo, Northern Line or Bakerloo line. It is two stops northbound to reach Charing Cross.
London Waterloo railway station is popular and busy as a key railway station as well as transport interchange complex situated in London, in England. You can find it in the London Borough known as Lambeth, in close proximity to the South Bank. This massive complex encompasses four linked railway stations as well as a bus station.
There is no train station located in Covent Garden, just one tube station. Charing Cross would be the closest train station. The main stations for London would be, for Waterloo, Northern Line or Bakerloo line. It is two stops northbound to reach Charing Cross.
London Waterloo railway station is popular and busy as a key railway station as well as transport interchange complex situated in London, in England. You can find it in the London Borough known as Lambeth, in close proximity to the South Bank. This massive complex encompasses four linked railway stations as well as a bus station.