The distance between Wimbledon in Greater London, United Kingdom and Reading in Berkshire, United Kingdom is approximately 43 miles by road. It is advisable to go buy road or train as these are the only two methods of reaching Wimbledon. It takes about one hour 15 minutes to reach there.
Here are some basic directions and some places that you will pass in order to get to Wimbledon from Reading. You will need to pass Mansel Road, Raymond Road, Wimbledon Hill, Chiswick, London Road and King's Road. You will also have to get on the highways such as B235, A219, A315, A329 and many other similar and close by highways.
Reading is a small town in Berkshire and comes under the Borough of Reading. Wimbledon is more famous for its tennis courts and is a number one tourist attraction in the whole of London city.
Here are some basic directions and some places that you will pass in order to get to Wimbledon from Reading. You will need to pass Mansel Road, Raymond Road, Wimbledon Hill, Chiswick, London Road and King's Road. You will also have to get on the highways such as B235, A219, A315, A329 and many other similar and close by highways.
Reading is a small town in Berkshire and comes under the Borough of Reading. Wimbledon is more famous for its tennis courts and is a number one tourist attraction in the whole of London city.