The distance between Southampton and Peterborough is approximately 126 miles or 203 kilometres. These distances are as a crow would fly. The direction one would be travelling in is towards the north east. Southampton is close to the city of Portsmouth while Peterborough is close to the cities of Nottingham and Leicester.
Southampton is a port city located on the southern coast of England in the county of Hampshire. It has a population of around 220,000 and is believed to have had human settlements dating back to the Stone Age. The ruins of the walls that face the sea around the town were built after it was sacked by the French in the fourteenth century. Peterborough is a Cathedral city with a population of 160,000 approximately. The River Nene flows through the centre of this town.
Southampton is a port city located on the southern coast of England in the county of Hampshire. It has a population of around 220,000 and is believed to have had human settlements dating back to the Stone Age. The ruins of the walls that face the sea around the town were built after it was sacked by the French in the fourteenth century. Peterborough is a Cathedral city with a population of 160,000 approximately. The River Nene flows through the centre of this town.