The distance between New York City in the state of New York and Washington Dc is approximately two hundred and six miles or three hundred and thirty one kilometers. Distances that are provided are approximates and are on a straight line or as the crow flies method.
New York is perhaps the best known city in the United States. It is sometimes referred to as the Big Apple and it is by far the most populous city in the United States. One of the worst terrorist attacks that occurred in the United States involved two passenger aircraft being flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre located there. The united Nations building and the Statue of Liberty are found there as well. Washington City on the other hand is the capital of the United States.
New York is perhaps the best known city in the United States. It is sometimes referred to as the Big Apple and it is by far the most populous city in the United States. One of the worst terrorist attacks that occurred in the United States involved two passenger aircraft being flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre located there. The united Nations building and the Statue of Liberty are found there as well. Washington City on the other hand is the capital of the United States.