The distance between Sheffield and Holyhead is about 157 miles. In the other way both the places are two hundred and fifty two kilometres away from each other. And the time it takes to cover this distance is around three hours and ten minutes. We recommend you to carry guiding materials on you r journey.
Holyhead is the biggest town in the county. According to the census recorded in the 2001, the population of people situated in this region is 11,238. It cannot be said as an island town or county town. However, it is positioned on the Holy island. A four mile overpass connects this region with Anglesey.
The centre of the town is built around a church known as St. Cybi's Church. You wii find a lighthouse on the top of the Holyhead Mountain; this lighthouse was built by Romans. This light house is also open for visitors and tourists. You can also find prehistoric ruins, circular huts, stone architecture and burial chambers in this region.
Holyhead is the biggest town in the county. According to the census recorded in the 2001, the population of people situated in this region is 11,238. It cannot be said as an island town or county town. However, it is positioned on the Holy island. A four mile overpass connects this region with Anglesey.
The centre of the town is built around a church known as St. Cybi's Church. You wii find a lighthouse on the top of the Holyhead Mountain; this lighthouse was built by Romans. This light house is also open for visitors and tourists. You can also find prehistoric ruins, circular huts, stone architecture and burial chambers in this region.