You have to claim the child in a naturalization department if she/he is not born in Canada.sometimes they assign attorneys,but sometimes you have to look for one yourself, one who handles these kinds of cases.they charge.if you or your wife is a citizen claim the child,fill the paper work that your attorney will help you with,pay the fees,then wait until approved they will call you.the process takes around a year.if you r only residents you must wait a certain amount of time before becoming a citizen.then take the citizenship test.after you become a citizen it's only a matter of months.the closer the relationship the between claimer and claimee you r assured a faster process,waiting time..depending on how much time you have left you can do it before or after you go back. Sometimes it's faster if you claim the child before 18.remember they sometimes send the documents via mail you should give them the most current address.
Good luck
Good luck