94 days 6 hours 2 minutes 10000,0000,0000,0000,0000 seconds
36 hours
The distance between Sydney West Airport, Sydney, Australia SWZ and Ringway International Airport, Manchester MAN is 10606 Miles and 16970 Kilometers. The flying time from Sydney to Manchester depends on the airplane you're flying by, on Boeing 747 and Airbus A340 it takes about 18 hours and 40 minutes, by a business jet it takes 19 hours, 58 minutes, by Cessna SkyHawk it takes 74 hours and 26 minutes, and by BELL 206L-4 it takes 81 hours and 59 minutes. You can easily find out the distance and flying time between any two cities or countries in the world by using the following website:
All you have to do I enter the airport codes for both the departure and arrival locations and it gives you the distance and flying time between them in a matter of seconds.
All you have to do I enter the airport codes for both the departure and arrival locations and it gives you the distance and flying time between them in a matter of seconds.
12 hour with 1 fugal stop
The distance between Sydney West Airport, Sydney, Australia SWZ and Ringway International Airport, Manchester MAN is 10606 Miles and 16970 Kilometers. The flying time from Sydney to Manchester depends on the airplane you're flying by, on Boeing 747 and Airbus A340 it takes about 18 hours and 40 minutes, by a business jet it takes 19 hours, 58 minutes, by Cessna SkyHawk it takes 74 hours and 26 minutes, and by BELL 206L-4 it takes 81 hours and 59 minutes. You can easily find out the distance and flying time between any two cities or countries in the world by using the following website:
All you have to do I enter the airport codes for both the departure and arrival locations and it gives you the distance and flying time between them in a matter of seconds.
All you have to do I enter the airport codes for both the departure and arrival locations and it gives you the distance and flying time between them in a matter of seconds.