Phoenix is the is the capital and largest city in the U.S. State of Arizona, as well as the fifth most populous city in the United States. Rome is the capital, largest and most populous city of Italy.
Distance from Rome to Phoenix is 6177.7 Miles or 9942 Kilometers or 5364.7 Nautical Miles.
In order to see distances of many cities from Rome, Visit Rome Distance Calculator,
In order to see distances of many cities from Phoenix, Visit Phoenix Distance Calculator.
Or, Incase of looking for Two cities' distance specifically, Visit International Distance Calculator.
Distance from Rome to Phoenix is 6177.7 Miles or 9942 Kilometers or 5364.7 Nautical Miles.
In order to see distances of many cities from Rome, Visit Rome Distance Calculator,
In order to see distances of many cities from Phoenix, Visit Phoenix Distance Calculator.
Or, Incase of looking for Two cities' distance specifically, Visit International Distance Calculator.