
How Far Is Portland Oregon From Mount St. Helens?


2 Answers

Shane Richardson Profile
The distance between Portland, Oregon and Mount St. Helens is around 70 miles and is said to take around 1 hour and 50 minutes by car. However, without knowing the exact place in Portland and Mount St.Helens you would be traveling to and from, the information provided above can only be taken as a rough answer.

The best and most convenient way of finding out the distance between places is to use Google Maps. This program is available free of charge and should be simple enough to use for the majority of people. The service provides the distance between destinations in miles and also states how long it will take traveling by car, cycling or even walking.

If you wish to use Google Maps simply follow these steps:

•    Head to •    Click on 'Get Directions' which can be found near the top right-hand corner
•    In 'Box A' type in the name of the place you are starting from
•    In 'Box B' type in the location you wish to finish at
•    Click 'Get Directions'
•    You can then click on the car, man, and bike symbols to see the various distance times for each form of transport

There are also many applications (apps) or built in GPS systems on many smart phones now which can also provide information about distances and travel times. IPhones also have the Google Maps software already on their phones. Simply click on the app that says 'maps' and you will be able to access the same information as provided on their website.

You can also find the distances and travel times between places on your car's Sat Nav or GPS system. Again, simply type in your starting point and the destination and you will be provided with the distance and predicted travel time.

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