Alicante is at a distance of 378 miles from Gibraltar. You cannot take a train from Gibraltar because there are no trains that go from Gibraltar to Alicante. In fact there are no railways in Gibraltar. You can go to Algiceras from Gibraltar. And catch a train from there. If you are driving make sure you are carrying food and beverages on the way as it is a 7 hour drive to Alicante. The train from Algeceras and Alicante takes about 3 hours and costs about 40 euros.
Places of tourist interest in Alicante are the castle of St. Barbara and the church of Santa Maria. You could also visit the San Juan beach in Alicante. The weather in Alicante at this time of the year is about 23*c maximum to 14*C minimum. So accordingly do your backpacking.
Places of tourist interest in Alicante are the castle of St. Barbara and the church of Santa Maria. You could also visit the San Juan beach in Alicante. The weather in Alicante at this time of the year is about 23*c maximum to 14*C minimum. So accordingly do your backpacking.