
How Far Is Maidstone From Margate?


1 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
Margate and Maidstone are both the names of cities which are located in the United Kingdom. The distance between the city of Margate and the city of Maidstone is estimated to be approximately 42.6 miles.

When the distance between the two cities, namely Margate and Maidstone, is converted from miles into kilometres, it is estimated to be equivalent to approximately 68.5 kilometres. The estimated duration of time taken by a person to drive from Margate to Maidstone is approximately one hour and four minutes.

Therefore the average speed at which one has to drive her or her car in order to reach Maidstone from Margate is estimated to be approximately 39.93 miles per hours. When this speed is converted into kilometres per hour, it is estimated to be equivalent to approximately 64.21 kilometres per hour.

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