Obtaining a Visa that permits you to travel to another country can sometimes be a real hassle, and all for nothing in the end if you are not permitted to have one. However, there are around 40 countries that you can visit without a Visa if you are a Filipino citizen. These countries are in South East Asia, some in South America and a few even in North America.
Let’s go through a few of these countries and any travelling restrictions that may be imposed. In Asia, there are 12 countries that you can visit. One of these is Vietnam which will allow you to be in the country for up to 21 days without a Visa. Other countries will permit you to stay even longer such as Malaysia, which will let you stay for 30 days and even Israel which will permit you to be in the country for up to 90 days.
Four out of six of the countries in South America will let you stay for up to 90 days apart from Bolivia which is up to 30 days and Peru which is up to 183 days. It is similar for Africa, where three out of four countries will let you stay for up to 90 days except Seychelles which is up to 30 days.
Europe and North America however have tighter restrictions in place. Only one country will let you stay in Europe for an unlimited amount of time if you have a valid passport and three countries in North America will permit you to stay for either 30 or 90 days.
For the full and complete list of countries you can visit without a passport then follow the link at the bottom of the page to the website. This page is updated regularly with all the latest information.
Let’s go through a few of these countries and any travelling restrictions that may be imposed. In Asia, there are 12 countries that you can visit. One of these is Vietnam which will allow you to be in the country for up to 21 days without a Visa. Other countries will permit you to stay even longer such as Malaysia, which will let you stay for 30 days and even Israel which will permit you to be in the country for up to 90 days.
Four out of six of the countries in South America will let you stay for up to 90 days apart from Bolivia which is up to 30 days and Peru which is up to 183 days. It is similar for Africa, where three out of four countries will let you stay for up to 90 days except Seychelles which is up to 30 days.
Europe and North America however have tighter restrictions in place. Only one country will let you stay in Europe for an unlimited amount of time if you have a valid passport and three countries in North America will permit you to stay for either 30 or 90 days.
For the full and complete list of countries you can visit without a passport then follow the link at the bottom of the page to the website. This page is updated regularly with all the latest information.