Where Can I Renew A Cuban Passport If I Currently Live In The Us And Want To Travel To Mexico?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Contact them directly:

Cuban consulate in Washington, DC at (202) 797-8609,


Cuba Interests Section

2630 and 2639 16th Street, NW, Washington DC 20009

Telephone: (202) 797-8518

Fax: (202) 986-7283

URL: embacu.cubaminrex.cu
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Si tienes el pasaporte viejo y quieres uno nuevo, you eso no lo puedes hacer em washington dc como antes, por la ventanilla. Ahora tienes que mandarlo o usar una agencia, eso se te puede demorar hasta cuatro meses
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need to renew my Cuban Passport and how much it is
yosvanny acosta monte Profile
Hello there I'm cuban american citizen how can I renew my passport .

My name is yosvanny acosta and I lived in california.

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