Wolverhampton to Redditch in Worcestershire is a bit over 30 miles, a journey that would normally take around 46 minutes by car.
If you care to follow this link to Google Maps , you can obtain the driving directions for this trip. You can update the results by entering the exact address of your starting and finishing points in the text boxes at the top of the page and clicking the Get Directions button. This will have the effect of providing you with door to door directions and a more accurate mileage and timing.
The driving directions appear in the left hand column of the page. These can be reversed for the return trip by clicking the Get Reverse Directions text link. You can also zoom the map into a specific leg of the journey by clicking on the blue numbered hyperlink beside the individual instruction.
There are also links immediately above the map image which allow you to send the driving directions to a printer or to an email address.
If you care to follow this link to Google Maps , you can obtain the driving directions for this trip. You can update the results by entering the exact address of your starting and finishing points in the text boxes at the top of the page and clicking the Get Directions button. This will have the effect of providing you with door to door directions and a more accurate mileage and timing.
The driving directions appear in the left hand column of the page. These can be reversed for the return trip by clicking the Get Reverse Directions text link. You can also zoom the map into a specific leg of the journey by clicking on the blue numbered hyperlink beside the individual instruction.
There are also links immediately above the map image which allow you to send the driving directions to a printer or to an email address.